“Take courage, join hands, stand besides us,
fight with us.”
- Christabel Pankhurst

It’s time to sound the alarm. 

Canary sees the need for local action in light of
Project 2025 and The Heritage Foundation’s
alarming vision for America.

Project 2025 is an initiative launched by the Heritage Foundation to ensure that the Foundation's policies can be implemented effectively from day one in a future Trump administration.

Project 2025 is considered the “playbook” on how to gut the Department of Education, The Department of Homeland Security, the Environmental Protection Agency, and our Independent Department of Justice.

Their goal:
Gone. All of it.

Our 3 Goals

We want you to be informed.
We want you to be registered to vote.
We want you to find your allies.

The Heritage Foundation’s playbook calls to reverse 155 years of civil rights in 180-days.


The Heritage Foundation plans to reform or repeal Title X (est. 1970) and Title IX (est. 1972). Their goals:

  • Establish a national abortion ban and reverse the FDA approval of abortion pills.

  • Restrict access to STD testing, birth control, and IVF.

  • Use religious justification to demonize recreational sex and contraception.

  • Reduce funding for public women’s health clinics – the same clinics that provide screenings for breast and cervical cancer to low-income and uninsured individuals.

  • Hinder efforts to ensure equal access to educational opportunities and resources for women and perpetuate inequalities in areas such as sports, scholarships, and academic programs.

Teachers and students…

The Heritage Foundation plans to eliminate the US Dept. of Education (est. 1979). Their goals:

  • Preventing teachers’ ability to organize together.

  • Diverting public money to private and religious schools only.

  • Overhauling the US Department of Education's curriculum to emphasize American and Christian values while removing ideological or controversial topics.

  • Roll back student debt relief efforts, meaning an end to any payment pauses or relief measures in place.

LGBTQ+ Americans…

The Heritage Foundation is shameless with its attack on human rights for LGBTQ+ people (est. 1972). Their goals:

  • Demonize and potentially criminalize transgender people.

  • Prevent transgender people from serving in the military.

  • Remove all federal protections for all LGBTQ+ people.

  • Allow LGBTQ+ people to be fired for their sexual or gender identity.

  • Support conversion therapy and make surrogacy illegal for LGBTQ+ individuals.

Black, Indigenous, Hispanic, Asian and other people of color…

The Heritage Foundation policies plan to unravel Affirmative Actions Rights (est. 1900). Their goals:

  • Encourage racial discrimination.

  • Advocate for strict voting ID laws that disproportionately affect people of color who may be less likely to possess the required forms of identification.

  • Fire government workers who have participated in DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) training.

  • End diversity, equity, and inclusion offices in the military.

  • Stop federal agencies from collecting data that could be used to address racial inequality.

  • End the Fair Housing Act, which would allow housing discrimination against non-white Americans.

Immigrants and industries who rely on immigrants…

The Heritage Foundation policies will impact the Immigration and Nationality Act (1952). Their goals:

  • Mass deportation of immigrants.

  • Dismantling our immigration system and parts of the Department of Homeland Security.

  • Suspend applications for legal immigrants.

  • Reduce visas for the agricultural, construction, and hospitality sectors.

  • Diminish protection for those immigrants seeking asylum to escape human trafficking.

  • Rescind protections for Dreamers–immigrants who came to America as children.


The Heritage Foundation plans to revoke the Social Security Act (est.1935) and National Labor Relations Act (est.1935). Their goals:

  • Raise the retirement age.

  • Cut social security.

  • Reform Medicare, increasing out-of-pocket costs and reducing access to providers.

  • Institute a new tax on health insurance.

  • Repeal protections for American workers with preexisting health conditions.

  • Roll back labor regulations and reduction of workplace safety and health regulations.

  • Remove paid leave policies.

  • Allow employers to stop paying workers for overtime work.

  • Weaken laws that restrict an employer’s ability to hire and fire as they see fit.

Beyond our civil rights, the Heritage Foundation playbook includes efforts to end programs that address climate change, gut our national parks by dismantling the Antiquities Act, undo the Endangered Species Act, give unchecked power to the President, and more.

Download their entire 922-page playbook for making these aggressive changes in 180 days.



Find allies at Red, Wine, and Blue

We are a sisterhood working to change the world together, one suburb at a time. Red Wine & Blue provides everything women need to organize their communities and beyond successfully.

Project 2025 Explained

Red, Wine, and Blue have put together a five-page document explaining everything you need to know about Project 2025.

Join the Sweep

SWEEP (which stands for Suburban Women – Engaged, Empowered, and Pissed!) is one of the TOP TEN most active civic groups on Facebook!

North Carolina

Register to Vote by:
Oct 11, 2024

Request a mail or absentee ballot by:
Oct 29, 2024

Return or mail-in ballot by:
Nov 5, 2024

Early Voting:
Oct 17, 2024 to Nov 2, 2024

General Election Day Voting:
Nov 5, 2024 6:30 am - 7:30 pm


Register to Vote by:
Oct 7, 2024

Request a mail or absentee ballot by:
Sep 20, 2024

Return or mail-in ballot by:
Nov 5, 2024 (postmarks do not count)

Early Voting:
Oct 8, 2024 to Nov 2, 2024

General Election Day Voting:
Nov 5, 2024 7:00 am - 8:00 pm

Michigan Primary Election

Register to Vote by:
By Mail: Jul 22, In Person: Aug 6

Request a mail or absentee ballot by:
By Mail: Aug 2 by 5pm, In Person: Aug 5 by 4pm

Return or mail-in ballot by:
Jul 23, 2024 (postmarks do not count)

Early Voting:
Late July, 2024 to Aug 4, 2024

General Election Day Voting:
Aug 6, 2024 7:00 am - 8:00 pm


Register to Vote by:
Oct 21, 2024

Request a mail or absentee ballot by:
Oct 29, 2024

Return or mail-in ballot by:
Nov 5, 2024 (postmarks do not count)

General Election Day Voting:
Nov 5, 2024 7:00 am - 8:00 pm


Register to Vote by:
Oct 15, 2024

Request a mail or absentee ballot by:
Oct 25, 2024

Return or mail-in ballot by:
Nov 5, 2024 (postmarks do not count)

Early Voting:
Sep 20, 2024 to Nov 2, 2024

General Election Day Voting:
Nov 5, 2024 600 am - 7:00 pm


Launched by the League of Women Voters Education Fund (LWVEF) in October of 2006, VOTE411.org is a "one-stop-shop" for election-related information. It provides nonpartisan information to the public with both general and state-specific information on all aspects of the election process.

Get voting information by state here.

Emily’s List

We elect Democratic pro-choice women to office that reflect all of us to ensure policy that can change our communities and the world. Uplift women at every level of office and every stage of candidacy. Champion diversity as a catalyst for progressive change that makes our country better.

Bad Faith

A documentary and call to action against the agenda of Christian Nationalism that weaponizes faith in service of promoting authoritarianism and undermining democracy. Watch it for free on Tubi.

Trouble Nation

TroubleNation is a program that helps you connect with your local community while using the tools and strategies of Red Wine & Blue, no matter where you live. You can start your own local advocacy group or join TroubleNation to help strengthen your existing grassroots organization.

Organizations such as True the Vote are coaching residents to make unlimited challenges to voter registrations, creating mass chaos for election offices.

Prepare for the challenge

What if the polls close while you’re still in line?
Stay in line.

What if I make a mistake on my ballot?
Ask for a new one.

What if the machines are down at your polling place?
Ask for a paper ballot.

What if the poll worker says my name is not on the list of registered voters?

  • Ask the poll worker to double-check.

  • Spell your name out for the poll worker.

  • If your name is not on the list, ask if there is a supplemental list of voters.

  • Ask them to confirm that you are at the correct polling place.

What if the poll worker cannot find my name or if I cannot travel to the correct polling place?
Ask for a provisional ballot.

Voters can receive a provisional ballot even if they're not in the poll book. After Election Day, officials will check if you are qualified and registered. If confirmed, the provisional ballot will be counted.

Join our flock.

Canary is a registered Red, Wine, and Blue Troublemaker.

If you are in the North Carolina Counties of Union or Mecklenburg, ask to plan an event with us

Reach out to us directly.